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Christina Tosi is the rule-breaking, award-winning chef and founder of Milk Bar, whose inventive and nostalgic treats have fueled a national dessert empire- 12 bakeries deep and growing, an exciting DTC business of care packages showing up on doorsteps all across the USA, they’ve even baked their way onto the cookie shelves of grocery stores. 

A formally trained pastry chef, yet guided by classic American desserts with a witty and creative twist, Tosi is the creator of iconic treats like Cereal Milk, the Compost Cookie, and Birthday Cake, an elevated revision of childhood classic, unfrosted on the sides, of course. Called “one of the most creative people” by Fast Company, Tosi is a two-time James Beard award winner, a Ted speaker, a New York Times bestselling author of seven cookbooks and invites bakers into her home kitchen weekly on Bake Club. Tosi exudes enthusiasm, precision, and high energy both in and out of the kitchen. 

Tosi and Milk Bar are partnering with Boka Restaurant Group on the first Midwest outpost in Fall 2024. 

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